Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

Desire Map

by Danielle LaPorte

Your bucket list. Quarterly objectives. Strategic plans. Big dreams. Goals. Lots of goals and plans to achieve those goals—no matter what. Except …

You're not chasing the goal itself, you're actually chasing the feeling that you hope achieving that goal will give you.

Which means we have the procedures of achievement upside down. We go after the stuff we want to have, get, or accomplish, and we hope that we'll be fulfilled when we get there. It's backwards. And it's burning us out.

So what if you first got clear on how you actually wanted to feel in your life, and then created some "Goals with Soul"?

With The Desire Map, Danielle LaPorte brings you a holistic life-planning tool that will revolutionize the way you go after what you want in life. Unapologetically passionate and with plenty of warm wit, LaPorte turns the concept of ambition inside out and offers an inspired, refreshingly practical workbook for using the Desire Map process:

Identify your "core desired feelings" in every life domain: livelihood & lifestyle, body & wellness, creativity & learning, relationships & society, and essence & spirituality
• Create practical "Goals with Soul" to generate your core desired feelings
• Why easing up on your expectations actually liberates you to reach your goals
• Self-assessment quizzes, worksheets, and complete Desire Mapping tools for creating the life you truly long for
Goal-setting just got a makeover.

There are more than 10,000 "Desire Mappers" who have worked through this system. "Every day I get stories about inner clarity, quitting jobs, dumping the chump, renewing vows, pole-dancing classes, writing memoirs, moving on," says Danielle. "This is about liberation. And pleasure. And self-determination. This is about doing much less proving, and way more living."

If you've had enough of trying to trick yourself into happiness through affirmations or bucket-listing your hopes into some distant future, then you're ready for The Desire Map—a dream-fulfilling system that harnesses your soul-deep desire to feel good.

Reviewed by Hillary on

5 of 5 stars

I saw many people talking about this book in some of my business groups. After hearing many people rave about this book, curiosity got the better of me, and I downloaded it onto my Kindle.


OH MY GAWWWWD!! You all!! This book broke me open in the best possible way. After reading this, I downloaded her #truthbomb app and bought her other book The Fire Starter Sessions. I realize that I have been living with OTHER people's goals. Don't stop reading here and think this is just another goal program. It IS a program, but it has you mapping out what makes YOU feel good and what MAKES you feel motivated. For example, many of my friends think that a house is a big goal to achieve. Me? I would rather travel around the world and invest in a good mi-fi and write. Every time I think of buying a house I feel like I am slowly descending into the purgatory that is the American dream. To be it is more like the American nightmare. True story. My ex bought a McMansion, and he was proudly telling me about it. My very first thought was, praise the Lord he dumped me or my ass would be stuck cleaning that thing. A cold shiver of dread of having narrowly missed becoming a modern day slave washed over me. SOCLOSE!! I am not even engaging in hyperbolic speech either. I tried to be happy, but all I could think of well whatever you get tired of living where you are, and you want to move or something? He was confused by the question. Well, if you want to be tied down the more power to ya! I realize that this makes me sound like I am committed phobic and maybe I am.. Well no I am committed to my freelance writing business but to people and places. Ehhh

Anyway, this book is divided into two parts. The first part is the theory and that is the part that broke me open. After reading this I thought what would make me motivated to bust my ass, what would I gain that would make me believe that heaven had just come down and I was living in the new Paradise with our Lord and Savior? I then realize living in the tropics near a beach with the newest Macbook Pro would bring me to my knees. I could feel myself promising to bust my ass for 14 hours a day until I was blogging from Paradise

She is spiritual. I am too, so I drank it up. I know some people may not be too keen on this to which I say pooh on you!

The 2nd half of the book is a workbook that I am still making my way through. So far it is very different from any other workbook that I have completed. I feel that this book gets to the heart of the things that wi propel us toward a life that will have us begging for mercy because we can't take much more happiness. I look forward to starting on my journey. I have already told ALL my friends to read this book NOW! I urge you to do the same.


This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land

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  • 1 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2015: Reviewed