Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

Richart d’Alençon has been an Immortal Guardian for about 240 years now but the night he saves Jenna McBride from a group of vampires, is the night that truly changes his life. Guardians are not supposed to date humans, but he is so drawn to the lively Jenna that he can’t thing about anything else but seeing her again. He want to take the relationship further, but not until he can confess the truth to her. When Richart is wounded and drugged by vampires, he teleports directly to Jenna’s living room carrying swords and covered in blood, just before passing out. Maybe she won’t notice anything weird about that? Oh, no. If he survives the night, he’ll be in so much trouble.

I like the Immortal Guardians series, and we got to know Richart a little more in the last book, Phantom Shadows, where we see him sneaking phone calls to his human girlfriend. I definitely enjoyed Richart and Jenna’s story.

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  • 29 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 July, 2014: Reviewed