Reviewed by Kim Deister on

4 of 5 stars

As in the other books, we meet some new characters this time and get to know others a lot better. This book focuses on Genevieve, a brilliant and slightly nerdy MIT student, and Chad, a somewhat broken vampire. Genevieve really blossoms in this story, but even her growth doesn't make her lose the most endearing part of her... her social awkwardness that makes her so cute. I like that Chad wasn't created to be vampire perfection. Instead, he had doubts and he was, at least in his own eyes, broken. It was a great twist to the standard YA romantic hero.

Fans of Maggie and Shane are going to be disappointed because there is little of them in this book. But the story is growing and it is obvious that they will be back. I like this way of building the story, getting different perspectives in different books by focusing on different characters. There is a lot of action and a whole lot of mystery and intrigue building and building. I can't wait to see where it goes next!

Things to love...

--Genevieve. I like that she finds her own strengths and starts to appreciate herself.
--Anticipation. The story is building to a climax, adding layers with each book!

Things I wanted more/less of...

--Chloe, Maggie, and Shane. These three are fan favorites and even though they aren't the center of the story right now, I wish there had been a little more of them.

Some Quotastic Goodness

--My chest is so tight, it hurts. I pant, trying to keep quiet when I want to gasp. I wish I had a paper bag, but my captors have taken everything from me- most importantly, my freedom (Loc. 37).
--And holding her against me as we hung off the side of that train... I felt something (Loc. 751).
--It's a ton of pressure on her, putting the lives of so many humans, and our group in particular, on Genevieve. But she hasn't complained once. She's a fighter, she just fights with a unique set of tools, the best of which is her exquisite mind (Loc. 1793).

My Recommendation: This is a great series. Vamps and mystery and romance... what more could you want?! Next up is Delicate Accord, due out in the summer of 2014. This will be Lily and Caleb's story.

This review originally appeared on my blog,

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  • Started reading
  • 1 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 May, 2014: Reviewed