Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

4 of 5 stars

Accepted is a very sweet and compelling story. I enjoyed reading it a lot and it was emotional to read. Reading about Ashley's life, how she doesn't have a family to care for her, how she's all alone in the world, calling her dorm room her "home", that was so sad to me. I wanted to dive inside the story and hug her.

I also wanted to slap her because she was using Randi as an excuse to not get close to colin. Randi is Ashley's friend and Randi likes Colin a lot so Ashley didn't want to ruin her friendship. This matter made the book have a high school feel to it instead of a college feel. In college, people could care less what you do, who you like so I was upset by this drama BUT it mostly happened at the beginning of the story so it didn't ruin the story for me.

I loved reading about Colin and Ashley's hang outs. I wanted more of them because I was really enjoying the activities they would or simply hanging out with each other. I loved how understanding Colin could be with Ashley and how he was always making her feel better and making her feel wanted.

I would have wanted more interaction between Ashley and Becca. Ashley kept saying that Becca was her best friend and Becca was always there for her but the reader doesn't get much insight in that area and I would have loved to read about it. All in all, it's a great story that I love and recommend to others :)

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  • Started reading
  • 21 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 November, 2014: Reviewed