Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


This is a pretty good cover. Good representation of the heroine. Fairy good composition. I would have nudged it all a bit more to the right so the title was closer to the right edge but I like the way the title is done it is unique and eye-catching.

I enjoyed this one. It wasn't as dark and twisted as I anticipated but it still held my attention from beginning to end. It was well written and nicely paced. It had some twists and turns (the trunk--eek.) There was no OW drama. A bit of OM drama. Not much angst. Some hot sex scenes. A few interesting secondary characters. A VERY stalkerish but hot hero and a damaged but very likable heroine with dubious taste in men. All wrapped up in a sweet and slightly disturbing epilogue.

Not much else left to say. Two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 3 June, 2017: Reviewed