Don't Talk to Strangers by Amanda Kyle Williams

Don't Talk to Strangers (Keye Street, #3)

by Amanda Kyle Williams

If you like Karin Slaughter you'll love Amanda Kyle Williams...Sheriff Ken Meltzer, from the small town of Whisper, finds the decomposing body of a girl deep in the Georgia forest. Next to her, the skeletal remains of another girl. One victim had been there for sixty days, the other for ten years. Drugs, theft and reckless speeders are the main worries in Meltzer's county; homicide is not his speciality. A friend at the Atlanta Police Department recommends a freelancer Meltzer has never heard of - former FBI profiler and private detective Keye Street...

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

*I received a free ARC of Don't Talk to Strangers from Edelweiss in exchange of an honest review*

Fantastic, clever and devious suspense novel!

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

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  • Started reading
  • 28 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 April, 2014: Reviewed