Reviewed by bamxo on

4 of 5 stars

This book is a clean YA read I'd recommend for all.
The story is based around a group of teenagers who all have a misfit personality, and all just secretly want to fit in.
It's full of unique magic systems, animal companions, and deep hidden meaning.
I loved the characters Mella, Dane & Acre and the world building. I wasn't entirely sure about the multi POV to begin with, it was hard to identify who was who with no indication on each chapter start, but luckily this is less of a problem later in the book.
The journey the characters face throughout the story was deep and held my attention. We learn so much more about the characters and how they open up, and learn to trust.
I've been unwell recently, and unable to read as much, so diving into something like this was a much needed respite for me.
I still dislike certain characters. But I think that's because I had 'friends' like them in school, I'm a little sensitive with unintentionally mean girls.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 31 July, 2024: Finished reading
  • 31 July, 2024: Reviewed