Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I always like a friends to lovers romance.  CALLED UP gives up just that.

Fitz and Deke have been best friends for a long time.  The hang out and understand each other.  But when they both start feeling something other than friendship "love", both of their worlds get turned upside down.

Fitz hasn't had the easiest life.  Her parents died in a tornado and she found herself being raised by the one woman who should hate most of the town.  She's worked her butt off to atone for the sins of her father, but a small town never forget or lets you, leaving Fitz to feel like she needs to find someplace else to spread her wings.  She also realizes that spreading her wings might mean leaving behind the one person she doesn't want to be without.  Her best friend.

Deke is the easy going guy.  The one who's a lot of fun but doesn't really pay attention to what's going on around him.  That's how he missed all the things Fitz went through in high school.  And continues to miss how she's still treated by certain residents of their hometown.  Once her understands that what he feels for Fitz is more than just friendship, his eyes are suddenly opened to everything.  He's hurt and frustrated to know that he missed all of this while at the same time mad that Fitz never confided in him.

Fitz and Deke don't make it easy on themselves when it comes to their romance.  It takes an act of nature for them to get over the past and look to their future.  But when they do, this fun romance leaves you with a smile on your face.



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A big believer in happily ever afters, Jen Doyle decided it was high time she started creating some. Jen is a member of the Romance Writers of America, as well as a member of the New England, New Jersey Romance Writers and Music City Romance
Writer chapters of RWA. She is represented by Sarah E. Younger of the Nancy Yost Literary Agency. She has an M.S. in Library and Information Science and, in addition to her work as a librarian, has worked as a conference and events planner as well as a Communications and Enrollment administrator in both preschool and higher education environments (although some might say that there is very little difference between the two; Jen has no comment regarding whether she is one of the “some”).

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  • 8 September, 2016: Reviewed