Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

When Jemma and Elijah married things didn't stay staid for long. Jemma ran away to France to be feted by the French court and Elijah burried himself in politics. However he's approaching the age his father was when he died and Elijah needs an heir, the fainting spells and racing heart are reminders of his mortality.

Jemma returns determined to woo him.

Today we can tell that he has high blood-pressure and he needs medication but then there wasn't much medication that would work for them. They're at the cutting edge here of stuff that was little understood. Their issues and problems are interesting and it was interesting to see the two of them fall in love with each other. An enjoyable instalment in the series

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  • Started reading
  • 1 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 May, 2012: Reviewed