Miss Seeton Flies High by Hamilton Crane, Heron Carvic

Miss Seeton Flies High (A Miss Seeton Mystery)

by Hamilton Crane and Heron Carvic

Lucky Miss Seeton! A modest Premium Bond win means a whole week in legendary Glastonbury. She can draw and drink in the surroundings, just what she needs for her scene-painting role in the village production of ‘Camelot’.

By coincidence, the kidnapped Heir to an industrial family may be hidden around there and Chief Superintendent Delphick has asked the ex-art teacher to create some of her famous, insightful sketches. Even he is nonplussed by the resulting images of capering sheep in straitjackets, flashing false teeth!

But the Heir is in danger, a murderer is lurking, and the first victim may not be the last. Then fortune favours Miss Seeton again, her raffle ticket winning her a hot air balloon flight, and well, it’s just amazing what you can see from above . . .

Serene amidst every kind of skulduggery, this eccentric English spinster steps in where Scotland Yard stumbles, armed with nothing more than her sketchpad and umbrella!

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Miss Seeton Flies High is the 23rd Miss Seeton book (and the 15th by Hamilton Crane, by my count). Published April 19th by Farrago, it's 272 pages and available in ebook and paperback formats.

The Miss Seeton books are 'comfort' reading. You pretty much know exactly what you're in for when you read one. They're the coziest of cozies. The titular character is gently bred, timeless, unchanging, sweetly naive, and tuned in to some subtle cosmic wavelength which allows her to collaborate with the constabulary to solve crimes. The murders are (relatively) bloodless, the language is perfectly innocent, the plots are lightly humorous without being sarcastic.

In general, the series is well crafted and the plotting and dialogue are well done. This particular book was a trifle scattered in places, but tied everything together in the end. I love love love Miss Seeton and have been enjoying the series since sometime in the late 1970s.

I highly recommend the books (and this book specifically) for fans of cozies and elderly female gentlewoman sleuths.

Possibly worth noting for Kindle Unlimited subscribers, this book is included in the KU subscription.

Four stars, really enjoyed this one a lot.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 28 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 28 September, 2018: Reviewed