Be the Pack Leader by Cesar Millan, Melissa Jo Peltier

Be the Pack Leader

by Cesar Millan and Melissa Jo Peltier

Bestselling author Cesar Millan takes his principles of dog psychology a step further, showing you how to develop the calm-assertive energy of a successful pack leader and use it to improve your dog's life - and your own.Filled with practical tips and techniques as well as success stories from his fans, clients (including the Grogan family), and his popular television show Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, Cesar helps you understand and read your dog's energy as well as your own so that you can move beyond just correcting behavioural issues and take your connection with your dog to the...Read more

Reviewed by mbtc on

4 of 5 stars

This is a good straight forward book from Ceasar Milan. I love his work and I want to get this book again and finish it once I get a dog. (I borrowed it from the library and didn't finish it before I had to take it back.)

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  • Started reading
  • 1 February, 2008: Finished reading
  • 1 February, 2008: Reviewed