Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This is another one of those books that's been sitting on my iPad just waiting to be read.

Who would have thought that swerving to miss a roaming cat would cause a grand love story? But in the case of Peppa (Penelope) and Cameron McCormac it did just that.

Peppa was nursing a broken heart, after her fiance leaves her for another woman who was pregnant with his child. The last thing she needed was to get involved the the ultra sexy CEO, nicknamed Mr. McSexy. But after confessing that she sideswiped his car to miss a cat, he proposes a deal with her: come with him to his family's Christmas Eve party and he'll fix his car on his own.

The minute Cameron saw the woman dressed in the fairy costume at the office Christmas party, he knew he wanted one night with her. He used his aunt's party as a way to get what he wanted. He doesn't do long term relationships, but figured a woman dressed like that wouldn't either. But spending five minutes alone with Peppa soon showed him how wrong he was...about everything.

Peppa and Cameron were an interesting couple. Both swore they didn't want more from than a fling with the other, but right from the very beginning you could tell there was so much more to their relationship. But no relationship can get off to a good start if one or both of the individuals aren't completely honest with each other and/or themselves about what's going on. That is where Peppa and Cameron fell into their issues. Both played off their relationship as casual, when it was far from it. Cameron also kept secrets about his past, which directly affected Peppa. It took Peppa walking away and Cameron realizing he was going to lose something irreplaceable to finally come clean.

This was a fun afternoon read, even if the storyline was predictabl

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  • Started reading
  • 31 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 31 May, 2012: Reviewed