Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookworms
Lexxie and I are reading CD Reiss' The Edge series for the Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge. We're trying to be as vague as possible in our discussions so as not to spoil anything. ;)

Oh wow - I think this series is going to kill me, wifey! After I finished the prequel (which was actually released after Rough Edge!) I was already intrigued and wanted more. But now - now, I know I'm going to binge the rest of this like a mad-woman. What did you think of Caden and Greyson in their civilian lives? I found this part of their romance to be both very dark and very sweet.

It just may kill me as well, wifey! I'm reading as fast as I can - although I can't keep up with you - because I just have to know what happens next. Even though I'm a little anxious about what's going to happen next. *gulps* I enjoyed Caden and Greyson in the civilian lives. Greyson seemed to settle in easier than I thought she would considering she'd planned her life differently before meeting Caden. I liked seeing Caden at work as well - his confidence and control. Together though? *fans self* Things between these two just kept getting hotter even if it made me uncomfortable at times. Dark and sweet. Yep. :)


What did you think of the changes to Caden's personality? The Thing that lived inside him? And how Greyson dealt with it? I found all of it to make me very curious. And at the same time, I also thought that Greyson should have pushed for him to see another psychiatrist pronto. While I could understand that she wanted to protect him, I am not sure she went about it in the best way. And The Thing... scary in some ways. Both from Caden's and Greyson's perspective.

Have you heard the expression that doctors make the worst patients? Actually, Greyson may have said it. ;) But while I agree that she should have maybe handled things a bit differently, I think she was doing the best she could in the situation, knowing how Caden would react. The changes in Caden made me very curious...and anxious. And The Thing...yes, it was very scary. I admit to thinking I understood what was going on. However, I was wrong. So wrong.


What did you think about the attraction between them? And how fast things went from the first time they met until they decided to get married? The attraction was hot - and I found it to be even hotter in Rough Edge. Especially when Greyson admitted to herself what 'other' things she wanted from her relationship with Caden. I was a bit perplexed at Caden's choices for keeping The Thing at bay, though. Even if Greyson loved every second of it ;) 

The attraction between these two was immediate and visceral. And I felt from the beginning that it was something more than simply the extreme circumstances they were living that brought them together. Yes, things happened quickly but then I kinda assume time is seen differently when you're engaged in warfare on a daily basis. I remember Greyson saying something - I think it was in The Cutting Edge - about how she'd tucked away those things she wanted for herself in a relationship. Hmm, they were both good at compartmentalizing, no? Anyway, her admitting to herself that she loved the things Caden was doing kept me from being too concerned about the reason behind Caden doing those things. I think it's interesting, knowing what I know now having read further into the series, that Caden used these tactics in keeping The Thing at bay. Very interesting, indeed.


Rough Edge was definitely rough, and I have a feeling things will get much more complicated before they get easier - if they ever do...

Rough Edge was rough but also beautiful and romantic. I have no doubt things are going to get more complicated but I'm hoping, for Greyson and Caden's sake, that they catch a break eventually.



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  • Started reading
  • 7 November, 2018: Finished reading
  • 7 November, 2018: Reviewed