Court of Bitter Thorn by Kay L Moody

Court of Bitter Thorn (The Fae of Bitter Thorn, #1)

by Kay L Moody

Faerie wasn’t supposed to be real.

Tricked by a fae prince, Elora is stuck in the Faerie realm far from her young sisters who depend on her for survival. Under the terms of her bargain, she can’t go home to the mortal world until Prince Brannick becomes the next High King.

Or until he’s taken out of the running…

Sabotaging Brannick’s chance at the crown will be much faster than helping him win. The fae prince may be charming, powerful, and wickedly handsome, but that won’t stop Elora from selling his secrets to the highest bidder.

By day, she...

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  • Started reading
  • 30 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 30 September, 2020: Reviewed