Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

I have got the worse case of leaky eyes after finishing this, I am not sure that they are going to stop neither! When I saw Stephie had another book coming out I knew I had to read it, I adored Call Me, Maybe and so I knew Swipe Right would be a must-read for me.

The instant I met Ollie and Fran, I loved them, I loved the chemistry, banter and most of their friendship, the work-marriage status. I mean who does not love the closeness with another person that they share. I think most people have a work-marriage, not necessarily finishing the way this does but as I say it is nice when that person gets you.

Ollie and Fran get each other, from the minute they meet at the job interview, you feel the crackle of electricity between them. Both with respective partners become a dream team. It is always an inconvenience when you are dying for the two main characters to be together, especially when they have partners. You almost want to hate the partners because they are interfering in your reading but you know they are only human too!

One of my favourite scenes I have to say is Fran’s smackdown at Lucas’s Christmas Party – bam – talk about a mic drop. You have to read it to find out what I mean but if I had been drinking something I think it might have been snorted out my nose!!!!

It is not until halfway through the book that we get to its namesake, although I was wondering when it was going to happen. I was enjoying the lead up to it. I just could not put this book down and I did not want to either. The characters are realistic and flawed, so flawed but that is what makes great!

Is it also wrong to enjoy reading about someones disastrous dating life? I mean what is about revelling in the awful dates someone has to endure and there were some clangers, from one extreme to another, crying and clingy to damn right abusive!

I have read a couple of books like this before, but this is by far my favourite of them. I was smiling pretty much the whole way through, I know this because my face hurts! Odd as it sounds, I want to just climb inside the pages and stay in a happy place with everyone, especially Carlina. What a fab gal she is. I know you must think I am right old nut job, I mean I am, but this book is a safe haven. It is a book to make you smile and to reinforce that there is love in the world.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 16 May, 2020: Reviewed