Witchling by Yasmine Galenorn

Witchling (Sisters of the Moon, #1) (Otherworld, #1)

by Yasmine Galenorn

We’re the D’Artigo sisters: Half-human, half-Faerie, we’re savvy—and sexy—operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency.  But our mixed-blood heritage short-circuits our talents at all the wrong times.  My sister Delilah shapeshifts into a tabby cat whenever she’s stressed.  Menolly’s a vampire who’s still trying to get the hang of being undead.  And me?  I’m Camille—a wicked-good witch.  Except my magic’s as unpredictable as the weather, as my enemies are about to find out the hard way...

At the Wayfarer Inn, a portal to Otherworld and the local hangout for humans and beasties alike, a fellow operative, Jocko, has been murdered.  Every clue points to Shadow Wing, the soul-munching, badass leader of the Subterranean Realms.  He’s made it clear that he aims to raze humankind to the ground, turning both Earth and Otherworld into his private playground.  Our assignment:  Keep Shadow Wing and his minions from creeping into Earth via the Wayfarer.  The demons figure they’re in like Flynn.  After all, with only my bumbling sisters and me standing in the way, how can they miss?  But we’ve got a secret for them:  Faulty wiring or not, nobody kicks ass like the D’Artigo girls...

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

so this book took me a little longer than expected. only because my kindle was lost and ive had to read on my phone. i decided to start this series even though, i already have so much to read, because its part of a reading challenge. and i love reading challenges, but also because ive read and pretty much caught up Ms. Galenorns other series Indigo court (ok still need to read the most recent book, but thats neither here nor there at this moment.) Ms. Galenorn has a flare for the fae and other creatures like it. But I really enjoyed this book, and for once im not routing for one guy in particular in the love interest of the main character, but that will probably change as i get through more of the books. But mainly what i enjoyed about this book, was that it set you up for a whole series of books, and I always enjoy a series that lasts for a while.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 10 January, 2015: Reviewed