Reviewed by layawaydragon on

4 of 5 stars

TW: Drinking, Accidental Death, Street Racing, 

Dead to Me is another entry in the Sidestreets series this time taking on alcohol, risky behaviors, and grief. I really like how we got past the anger and into other emotions before it ended. The last part of the book is all about the fall out and consequences, giving us the most closure. Except...

It’s another cliffhanger, like Rez Runaway, but I’m not feeling this one. It’d be good to know for sure. Having it on the page would be a good reinforcement. Even just the one word: Mi hijo.  

I also want to know what happened with the grandson...

This one was the most felt the most like an after school special. Things were a bit too convenient and without the follow up with the grandson subplot there’s nothing else going for it.

I am surprised sex didn’t make an appearance in Logan’s avert-feelings repetoire TBH. That’d add another dimension to the story if done right as well. 

TW: Drinking, Accidental Death, Street Racing, 


Dead to Me is another entry in the Sidestreets series this time taking on alcohol, risky behaviors, and grief. I really like how we got past the anger and into other emotions before it ended. The last part of the book is all about the fall out and consequences, giving us the most closure. Except...


It’s another cliffhanger, like Rez Runaway, but I’m not feeling this one. It’d be good to know for sure. Having it on the page would be a good reinforcement. Even just the one word: Mi hijo.  


I also want to know what happened with the grandson...

This one was the most felt the most like an after school special. Things were a bit too convenient and without the follow up with the grandson subplot there’s nothing else going for it.

I am surprised sex didn’t make an appearance in Logan’s avert-feelings repetoire TBH. That’d add another dimension to the story if done right as well. 

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  • 24 December, 2017: Reviewed