Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

I rather enjoyed this.

On the other hand I'm going to have freaking nightmares. Because when they find Ray Wooley, OMFG, that's one horrific scene.

The procedural aspect was good. The case was full of twists and turns and I had no idea which way it was going to fall. Some of it did start coming together for me but it was a crazy trip. That said, there were a few farfetched parts relating to discovery of evidence. I didn't guess that it was Nicky from the start but when the flashback scenes started occurring the mental illness and who it was became fairly obvious. I really wished it was Zayne though. Or that they found something to nail him with. He was a total jerk.

I liked the main character, Faith. She seemed like a dedicated and genuine cop. And I'm a fan of the dead/missing parent/sibling/friend trope. (And doesn't that sound morbid.) I liked her friendship/mentorship with Archie, although I didn't really get what was going on between her and Graham - you work together that long surely there should have been a greater ease between them.

Interesting read, will definitely pickup the next one to see where the story goes. 4 stars.

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  • 24 January, 2022: Finished reading
  • 24 January, 2022: Reviewed