Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

I received an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

I read a few reviews on Goodreads of this book when I was halfway in it. I wanted to know why a couple of people thought this book wasn't good and while I agree with some of them, I still give this 5 stars. Let me give you the run-down of what is being said on Goodreads: There were some parts of this book that reminded me of A Walk to Remember. Personally, I do have to say it reminds me of A Walk To Remember and The Fault In Our Stars. Is that a bad thing? No, because I loved those stories a lot—saying it reminded me of those stories it's like a praise. I never thought I would find another book that would make me cry as much as TFIOS did, but it happened.

"I'll love you. I'll keep loving you, for always."

Unlit Star takes the reader on a roller coaster of emotions. I loved how the book started, how these two different yet similar characters "co-existed", not really liking one another. It started when Rivers had a boating accident and ended with scars and not being able to really walk. Delilah and Rivers have gone to school since forever basically and she knew what had happened to him and she wanted to help. She found Monica, River's mom at a store and they got to talk, only to find out that Monica needed a cleaning lady—Delilah said yes automatically, not fully knowing that it was Rivers she would tend to more. Rivers' mom and step-dad leave to take care of family and leave Delilah and Rivers alone, knowing full well that Delilah was going to change Rivers for the better.

"You should be proud of your scars, and you know why? Because your scars tell the world that you were stronger than whatever gave them to you."

Delilah and Rivers had only spent 10 days together and it felt like an eternity. So much happened between them and I couldn't believe it was possible to have only passed 10 days. The affection they grew to have for each other was beautiful and heart-wrenching to read. I love Rivers character a whole lot more than I thought I would (he is now my #1 book boyfriend). I cried more for him than for Delilah. I put myself in his position, thinking what if I go through that with my fiance? It would tore my apart inside, just like it happened to both characters.

"That being your girl is all I want to be. That this—that we—are impossible, and yet, we make sense like nothing ever has before."

Can I mention how sweet it was of Rivers to sing Hey There Delilah? That's when a few tears started to invade my eyes. I was in class when I read a major portion of this book until the end. I started crying a few chapters before the story ended. I clutched to my chest my sweater and kept sniffing and throwing my head back so the tears would stay in my eyes but that didn't really work. When I reached the ending, I had to get up and go to the bathroom to clean my face. From chapter 10 until the Bonus (after the Epilogue) I was crying...full on crying, hence why I had to leave the classroom. Advise: when you read this story, don't wear make-up and if you do, go with waterproof and have lots and lots of tissues. It is very emotional but I had a great time reading this book because it is very light, passive, funny, and makes you think about your future, about the goals you have set for your life and also to cherish the things and people you have in your life. Remember: "The greater the star is, the shorter its lifespan."

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  • 23 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 September, 2014: Reviewed