Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Falling for the CEO is a sexy Christmas novella with a slight geek to chic vibe. Meredith is the new CFO for Andrew's company. She's great at what she does, but she has absolutely no confidence in her self. She was picked on as a kid for being clumsy and because her last name is Klaus. On top of that, when she was 9 her parents were killed a car accident, after which she was bounced from foster home to foster home. She's learned to never ask for anything for herself, and she's still a total klutz. I adored her though. Andrew on the other hand, is quite confident, and he's a philanthropist! In fact, he and Meredith are brought together because a large sum of money that his company is suppose to be donating is missing. They work close together in order to figure out where it went, and she accompanies him to a big gala where he announces his plans for a new company. His speech also inspires the timid Meredith to finally ask for what she wants: him!

Meredith and Andrew do have one very steamy night together in Falling for the CEO, and there's a shocking twist! It's nothing too out there, but it's a twist none the less. It was a little strange at first, but I loved the way Andrew handled it. It was also another turning point in Meredith's transformation from geeky, plain Jane, doormat, to confident business woman. Of course, she doesn't change over night, but she's willing to take the reigns of her life and go for her goals! She and Andrew are really cute together, and obviously they have a happy ending. Their romance is topped off with some holiday cheer, and I quite enjoyed it.

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  • 17 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 17 November, 2013: Reviewed