Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

A DEMON AND HIS PSYCHO is the second book in the Welcome to Hell series. Lucifer is at it again with his matchmaking prowess as he brings together a stoic half-demon with more honor than Lucifer would like and a crazy-ass psycho who’s fluent in killing and sexual innuendo. The two are tasked with finding a missing pet dragon belonging to Lucifer’s granddaughter. It’s sure to be one “hell” of a ride LOL!

Eve Langlais is an EVE-il genius! Her books are always laugh out loud funny and this one was no exception. There’s tons of hilarious dialog and even more steamy sex scenes. If you haven’t checked out the series yet, I highly recommend it!

Reviewed by Elizabeth H for Cocktails and Books

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  • 31 January, 2015: Reviewed