I absolutely adore [b:My Name Is Not Isabella|13084735|My Name Is Not Isabella|Jennifer Fosberry|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51cXKbE22-L._SL75_.jpg|3527973] and [b:My Name Is Not Alexander|10977897|My Name Is Not Alexander|Jennifer Fosberry|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51yP0JCW-DL._SL75_.jpg|14350855]. When I heard a new Isabella story was coming, I could not help to be excited. When books are more than just entertaining, but educational as well I am one happy mama. While the "My Name is Not..." books explored the lives of special historical persons, at first I thought that this "Girl on the Go" was about careers, but then I realized it was actually about locations. This Isabella is an explorer and traveling with her vivid imagination from location to location while taking on an occupation of the local. Fun and education, I love it! I hope that [a:Jennifer Fosberry|1470172|Jennifer Fosberry|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1320089652p2/1470172.jpg] and illustrator [a:Mike Litwin|4218939|Mike Litwin|http://www.goodreads.com/images/nophoto/nophoto-M-50x66.jpg] will continue to bring more educational fun in the future.
*Thanks to Sourcebooks for providing an egalley on loan through NetGalley. I cannot wait to get my hands on a real copy!
Originally posted: http://wp.me/pYHD5-2YP
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