Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

*** SO EXCITED!! Just received a signed copy of Ecstasy Claimed in the mail. Love Setta Jay for sending me this particular story. I really enjoyed Gregoire and Alyssa's story and I got excited when they popped up in subsequent stories. Gregoire is possessive and extremely territorial...just the way I like them :-) ♥

Paranormal Smut at it’s finest…

Reading Ecstasy Claimed was like coming home for me. When I started reading smut it was in the little bracket of time between reading the Twilight series and Fifty Shades of Grey. Twilight started me reading romance again and Fifty Shades introduced me to The Dark Side. That little bracket in between was where I tried to get a mix of the vampire devotion of Twilight with a bit more “action” in it. Let’s just say…I got an education…a really, really good education. I met my first Alpha Male in this time. They are a wonderful breed of man (sort of) that think they know what’s best, act before they think, say the first thing that pops into their heads and normally have an uncontrolled need to – (please use your David Attenborough voice here)

Once scenting their mate, they jump them, kiss them till their lips tingle, rub their enormous member against them and mark them by either biting, licking or sticking their enormous member into as many spots it will fit and filling it with his seed. The mate must then accept without question that they are there for his satisfactions and pleasures alone.

Now who’s not going to like a bit of that. So paranormal smut filled me with expectations of what the smut world could provide me. The problem with Contemporary Smut and Historical Smut…it’s just missing that animal factor. Who doesn’t want to see the uncontrollable lust unleashed whenever his female walks into a room? Reading it, you think it’s OK for the hero to growl, stake a claim and be bossy…in real life, not so much.

Ecstasy Claimed is the perfect example of Paranormal Smut. We have a big growling Enforcer Gregoire, who wants to claim his mate but held off until she was old enough to handle him and his desires. Unfortunately, Alyssa his mate, doesn’t get the memo and has lived a very sheltered life, where her parents kept her in the dark about having a mate already, while also keeping the men around her away. When Alyssa finds out the truth, she doesn’t handle it well and decides to take control of her life. First step…get rid of this pesky virginity. What follows, is Alyssa getting an education on pleasure…but luckily for the teachers, not a full education. If those teachers (2 males and 1 female, and the two seconds of F/F did not squick me out too much) had finished the lessons, I’m pretty sure Gregoire wouldn’t have left their heads attached to their bodies.

Ecstasy Claimed was full of action, adventure, goodies, baddies and screaming "O's". A LOT of screaming, growling and shouting "O's". There were some misunderstandings and decisions that Gregoire made that left me wanting to smack him, but once they started communicating and sharing their feelings, it was all good. I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future.

I received a complimentary copy Ecstasy Claimed via Netgalley for an honest review.

To buy Ecstasy Claimed from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • Started reading
  • 19 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 September, 2015: Reviewed