The Jewel by Amy Ewing

The Jewel (The Lone City Trilogy, #1)

by Amy Ewing

Violet, a poor girl from the outer city, finds forbidden romance and uncovers brutal secrets when, after three years of training, she is purchased by a royal family as a surrogate mother for royal children.

Violet, a poor girl from the outer city, uncovers brutal secrets when, after three years of training, she is purchased by a royal family as a surrogate mother for royal children. The plot contains sexual references and violence. Book #1

Reviewed by Katie King on

4 of 5 stars

With the cover similarities between this and The Selection series, I'm not sure what I expected. They both are roughly based on the same dystopian premise.

It was quite intriguing actually, and I wish I could've seen more of the world or gotten a better understanding on the background. Instead the reader is spoon-fed information to the point of annoyance. I don't know if it just isn't fleshed out or if the author is waiting for a better time to reveal all. I wait patiently.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 5 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 October, 2015: Reviewed