Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

Quick reminder: I haven’t read much (read: any) of Multiple Man before this run. Therefore I had no idea what I was in for, how just how complex this series would end up getting. Nor was I prepared for all the heavy hitting moments.
Still, I’m glad I decided to give the series a chance. Knowing that it’d only run for five issues helped alleviate any concerns I had about starting yet another new series (since I can technically argue that since it’s a short series, it doesn’t really count towards my comic count. A total BS argument, I know, but I’m cool with it).
I suppose when one goes to war against themselves, and I mean that literally, it’s a given that there will be casualties and really hard moments to take in. Still, I really wasn’t expecting some of the moments and revelations I saw here. This series is probably not one you should be reading right before bed…but then again it’s an X-Men series, so that was probably a given, huh?
Then there’s the whole time travel mess. I can see how time travel + Multiple Man would create a situation like this. Especially since apparently each time he splits a different personality trait becomes dominant, or at least that’s the basic understanding I have about the character.
To be honest I’m glad this series it so short. I’m not sure that they could feasibly stretch it out a lot longer, at least not without it getting incredibly doom and gloom like. Still, I’m curious to see how the heck the prime (I’m going to consider the main character/perspective the prime, even if certain other characters wouldn’t like that) is going to get out of this situation, let alone resolve it all.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 August, 2018: Reviewed