Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Trent Ryder is a man living on the edge. He hasn’t been able to put the pieces of his shattered life back together since his wife’s untimely death ten years ago. He has been living as a hermit in their house located in Nashville. Trent was once a successful country singer and song writer, until his wife, the love of his life, died and he’s been wallowing in misery ever since. He meets Patterson a stubborn, young, beautiful woman who gives him a concussion and then insists on taking care of him. She’s staying next door at her uncle’s house and Trent can’t stop thinking about her. Trent has been living a tortured life and when he meets Patterson, something about her puts a spark back in his life, but he keeps pulling back because he feels guilty.

Patterson is young and carefree and has hard time making decisions, but she knows she is attracted to Trent and his strong, silent personality. Trent and Patterson’s personality are polar opposites from each other, but from the moment they meet, there’s chemistry between them and they find it hard to resist their feelings. They are both dealing with some issues in their life and are trying to make decisions about the direction of their lives. I love stories about country stars and Trent pulled at my heartstrings, because he is a good guy who has had some tragedy in his life. Can Patterson’s lively spirit help him? This is another delightful story in Bethany Michaels’ Nashville series.

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 15 November, 2014: Reviewed