World of Food, A:Discover Magical Lands Made of Things You Can Ea by Carl Warner

World of Food, A:Discover Magical Lands Made of Things You Can Ea

by Carl Warner

Carl Warner is a seasoned photographer whose specialty is still life imagery, specifically creatively detailed miniature landscapes constructed exclusively out of edible elements. This volume collects twelve photographs, each one showing young readers what the world would look like if there were only a single colour. In one tableau, Carl shows that if everything were yellow, you might find a desert scene with golden sand made of crushed cereal, palm trees built out of pasta, pyramids crafted out of swiss cheese and rocks that were actually yellow tomatoes In an orange world, you might discover a pumpkin cottage surrounded by carrot trees and apricot leaves. The book culminates in a spectacular rainbow hued scene. Accompanying each image is a poem and some brief text that guides the reader through the picture and identifies the various elements that make up the scene. It's a perfect book for parents with fussy' children to look at together and discover and name all t he various foods that make up Warner's fantastical universe, making them both exciting and less 'scary'.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Fantastic, fascinating and hours of stare-worthy are a few things to describe this book. The imaginative and creative brain behind these pictures is beyond me and amazing to behold. Great for fun, great for colors and I Spy. This book is awesome. I'm in awe and cannot stop staring.

*Thanks to Abrams*

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  • 6 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 6 June, 2012: Reviewed