Reviewed by chymerra on

3 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank D2C Productions and NetGalley for allowing me to review The Woman In the Mirror by Cathryn Scott.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received The Woman in The Mirror from D2C Productions through NetGalley for free for my honest review**

Now onto my review:

I couldn’t get into this book. I mean, I really liked the blurb when I read it and the fact that it was a psychological thriller drew me in. But once I started reading it, I really couldn’t get into it.

I think it was both Jared and Alexandra’s characters. Actually, strike that, I know it was both Jared and Alexandra’s characters.

I know the author wanted Alexandra to be a strong, mysterious female lead. And in some ways, she was. She did a great job of releasing key facts about Alexandra at just the right moment in the book. What I didn’t get was Alexandra having sex with every single guy she came into contact with. Everyone….except for Tom. To be very honest, it just made Alexandra look like a slut than this mysterious person.

Jared’s character had so much promise. So much. I actually liked him in the beginning. He came across as this guy who got really stressed out at work, needed to take a break and then is getting stalked by his landlady. Which was fine until he got 110% obsessed with Alexandra. Every chapter that was from his perspective was all about her and how much he needed her. I guess it was supposed to show how she casts her spell over men but it just showed how pathetic Jared was.

The story was overall ok and it definitely kept you on your toes with following the various subplots that all involved Alexandra. One subplot went back to her college days, one to right after she left college and then the couple in her present. Lets just say that the more you read, the more you realize how Alexandra sticks up for people that she perceives are the underdog.

The ending of the book was a bit of a surprised. The author did a great job of ending all of the substory lines in the preceding chapters. I was a little shocked at how things ended. Despite saying that I couldn’t get into the book in the beginning, I would like to read the next book. The way this book ended definitely left it open for another book.

How many stars will I give The Woman In the Mirror? 3

Why? A good book but it lacked with the thriller part. Plus, I didn’t like the main character at all and thought the male main character was a bit of a wuss.

Will I reread? Maybe

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age range? Adult

Why? Sexual situations, violence and language

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  • Started reading
  • 24 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2016: Reviewed