Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

Well damn ... this book wasn't what I expected. Living through every moment with Ty and Elin and the near destruction of their marriage was completely heartbreaking.

I can't remember the last time, I've read a book where my heart was racing and the close to crying my eyes out.

For Ty and Elin, you hear the story about two that came upon unfortunate events in their lives. With Ty suffering a horrible injury from work and not being able to work. And with Elin completely heartbroken over not being able to get pregnant. For Ty, it was too much pressure and was filled with guilt with not being able to provide, he packs up and leaves. Leaving Elin more heartbroken than she already is.

It wasn't until around the middle of the book where I became completely hooked, I don't think I've read a book before when it dealt with a marriage nearly teetering over the edge. But the whole time, I was rooting for the both of them. Once Ty returned after so many weeks away, I was preparing myself for an epic battle between the two.

Reading how each character dealt with things on their own during that time apart, your heart will just bleed for the both of them. If it ever came to sides, it would be hard to pick because each had valid points. Although I never support running away from a fight, that's where Ty was in the wrong. You never run ... you fight! And as soon as he came back, that's what he did. He was just as persistent as she was for trying to stay away from him.

I've only been married for a few years, but no marriage is perfect. And they're not easy, they're constant work. Ty and Elin prevailed and overcame something so big, which we, unfortunately, see it too often of how people throw in the towel. I pass no judgment because I'll never know what every relationship goes through.

It was a well-rounded story and it was so realistic. I'm sure so many will be able to relate to it; it's just so raw, make sure you have the tissues handy.

Last thing, THE END ... Ahhhhhhh, I had to read it twice because I couldn't believe, I didn't want it to be real. But it was so beautifully done even though it broke my heart in a completely different way.

Everyone should definitely give this one a chance!

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  • Started reading
  • 2 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 December, 2016: Reviewed