Artificial Condition by Martha Wells

Artificial Condition (Murderbot Diaries, #2)

by Martha Wells

Artificial Condition continues The Murderbot Diaries, a science fiction series that tackles questions of the ethics of sentient robotics. It appeals to fans of Westworld, Ex Machina, Ann Leckie's Imperial Raadch series, or Iain M. Banks' Culture novels. The main character is a deadly security droid that has bucked its restrictive programming and is balanced between contemplative self-discovery and an idle instinct to kill all humans.

"As a heartless killing machine, I was a complete failure."

It has a dark past-one in which a number of humans were killed. A past that caused it to christen itself "Murderbot." But it has only vague memories of the massacre that spawned that title, and it wants to know more.

Teaming up with a Research Transport vessel named ART (you don't want to know what the "A" stands for), Murderbot heads to the mining facility where it went rogue.

What it discovers will forever change the way it thinks.

Reviewed by remo on

4 of 5 stars

Entretenidísima segunda parte de las aventuras y desventuras de nuestro querido MurderBot, el androide con inteligencia artificial pasota y descreído que vive aventuras a la vez que intenta que todo el mundo le deje en paz para poder dedicarse a ver sus telenovelas, que lleva siempre descargadas consigo. En esta ocasión aparece además ART (Asshole Research Transport), una nave espacial en misión de transporte que tiene tiempo libre y decide ayudar a nuestro prota. Muy divertida. Hay dos mas de momento y la autora quiere publicar una novela entera en 2020. Habrá que aguantar hasta entonces...

--Llegó 2020 y en la segunda lectura que me estoy haciendo de la serie para empezar la quinta entrega he vuelto a disfrutar como un cochino de las aventuras de Murderbot. Decididamente merece la relectura.

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  • 27 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 27 January, 2019: Reviewed
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  • 27 January, 2019: Reviewed