Master of the Night by

Master of the Night (Mageverse, #1)

American agent Erin Grayson is assigned to seduce international businessman Reece Champion. But she's been set up. Reece is an agent, too--and a vampire.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Back in the time of Arthur Merlin created a group of warriors and companions to these warriors who would both be immortal. Erin Grayson is an American Agent and is determined to get revenge. Reece Champion is a very successful businessman and she doesn't know much about him.

Reece can sense power in Erin and there's potential for more to their relationship. She may or may not survive the process of awakening her powers but she may be willing to try.

It's fun, light read but readable.

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  • 10 August, 2009: Reviewed