Reviewed by Suz @ Bookish Revelations on

4 of 5 stars

Karice Bolton pens a striking mysterious tale of magic and haunting mystery. The pages are filled with stunning imagery that will elude readers and keep them entranced in the dark magical tale it weaves. Characters burst to life with incredible spark and personality that make them extremely likable. Heightened suspense is sure to quicken any reader's pulse as they flip the pages, gaining more insight into the world of white magic tempered against dark, the illustriously intriguing energy and buzz of history surrounding The Witch Avenue Order, and the secrets and lies that lay hidden just beneath the surface. It's a virtual white garden bursting to life with tinges of smoke and ash hiding the black tarnish just beneath.

With every twist and turn that Karice Bolton throws out, there is chilling excitement and suspense waiting for readers to stumble upon as they follow along with Triss who tries to uncover the mystery of her mother's death and discovers the darkness she never realized was there. The romance between her and Logan is as sweet as a fragrant rose blossoming to life in a garden of splendor and magical wonder. The world building is absolutely gorgeous and beguiling enough to ensnare readers in its web, leaving them stunned and captivated at every turn. The adventure and action has such a gravitational force, that it's hard not to feel as if you're right inside the story, which is one of the best things about the novel. There is such an organic richness to this novel, that it just stays with you.

Lonely Souls is one of the most richly intriguing and darkly alluring novels that I've personally read in the last six months. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys paranormal and urban fantasy, with a twist of wonderful coven history.

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  • 9 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 9 July, 2012: Reviewed