Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)

by Kiersten White

When a dark prophecy begins to come true, sixteen-year-old Evie of the International Paranormal Containment Agency must not only try to stop it, she must also uncover its connection to herself and the alluring shapeshifter, Lend.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Paranormalcy is the debut novel of author Kiersten White and boy is it a roller-coaster of a ride! Much like the previous book I read - Angel by LA Weatherly - it doesn't glamourise paranormals. Vampires aren't creatures you fall in love with, werewolves aren't big furry balls of fun, paranormals are creatures that need to be bagged and tagged and the IPCA (International Paranormal Containment Agency) was set up to do exactly that. And because Evie can see past the "glamours" (how paranormals show themselves to the real world), she's been capturing paranormals with the IPCA ever since she can remember.

It's such an interesting and complex plot and I found myself swept up in the book almost immediately. Evie is such a fun and feisty heroine - she captures paranormals for a living and she's only 16! - and her narrative is so enticing that I found myself finding it hard to put the book down. The book speeds along at a great pace at the beginning but once the paranormals start dying - something the IPCA specifically do not do - it all kicks off and Evie suddenly begins questioning everything she's ever known about her life. Throw in a very questionable faerie, a boy, Lend, able to shape-shift into anyone he pleases and Evie's life is definitely anything but normal.

As I said, Evie is a fantastic character, I loved her immediately and she's the kinda girl it's easy to get on with and one you'd love to be friends with. The life with the IPCA is the only one she's ever known after being put into foster care at a young age and she barely lets it get her down. I totally admired her. As for Lend, I loved him! The banter between himself and Evie made for fantastic reading and he was a fabulous character in his own right. I loved the fact he could shape-shift into anybody he pleased, and his story was so fascinating. As far as I can tell from other reviews, Reth, a very possessive faerie and Evie's ex-boyfriend of sorts, has a lot of fans but I personally didn't see the appeal. I found him a bit strange and not at all likeable and I'd be sad if in future books Evie debates getting back together with him in any way! I do find him interesting, though, because he definitely adds spice to the book! The only other standout character for me, was Lish, Evie's best friend. She's a mermaid but works for the IPCA and I found her bleeping hilarious!

Paranormalcy is very well written, and I finished the book in record time - I just didn't want to stop reading and every chapter led nicely into the next making it easy for me to continue. There are some sad parts, I was almost in tears during one particular moment, and the ending was incredibly fast-paced! We built and built up to that moment and I didn't feel let down at all. I didn't know what to expect from the book, whether I'd like it or not, but I definitely did. I loved the setting of the IPCA, I thought that was very well done, the characters and chemistry between them was fantastic, particularly between Lend and Evie and I just thought the book was very unique. I can't wait for Supernaturally which is out next year to continue Evie and Lend's story and I can't wait to see who comes back with them and what trouble Evie will find herself in next time!

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  • Started reading
  • 6 October, 2010: Finished reading
  • 6 October, 2010: Reviewed