Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

The author is new to me and I picked up this book blind, unsure what to expect. There is always a level of expectation when you begin a new book and this managed to hit the spot for me. It's a fun, quick and highly entertaining read which I finished in one sitting.

Marissa Chase bumps into Alec ,who lives in the apartment below the one she shares with Emily just as she's heading off to Fiji with her friends Emily, Justin and Kristian. The holiday is a last hurrah before college finals and a move to Wilmington where she will continue her studies to become a marine biologist. Newly single, Marissa hopes to see more of her gorgeous neighbour when she gets home. It isn't long after her return that Marissa begins dating the enigmatic Alec Holden, becoming increasingly aware as time goes on that he's hiding something from her.

Alec has kept a low profile whilst living an anonymous life in the Appalachian town of Boone. For a guy who loves surfing, he's swapped the ocean waves for the mountains and goes hiking whenever he has any spare time. He's not had a relationship in a long while and Marissa, the girl living in the apartment above his would be a welcome distraction. Only, can he gamble on her not leaving him if he confesses his dark secrets from his past?

Marissa and her best friend Kristian Mabe are competitive and studying the same major. When they are not studying, they hang out Emily and her boyfriend Justin. They are best friends and never been tempted to date one another. However it soon becomes apparent that someone is not happy with Marissa's new relationship with Alec. Something triggers a string of incidents leaving them both in danger. Alec has been careful to conceal his background, is it possible his past is catching up on him or is there another explanation for the chain of the turn of events?

The plot is a fast paced, hot/sexy romance with a dollop of murder/mystery adding some welcome intrigue that keeps you on-your-toes right up until the very end. Not forgetting to mention a love triangle too - adding plenty of angst and jealousy to the emotional pot! The twist at the end was a surprise, I love it when an author adds an unexpected element to a plot. Overall this is well written book and I'll look out for more by this author in the future.

4 Stars

***arc received in exchange for an honest review***

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  • Started reading
  • 28 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 28 February, 2015: Reviewed