Absolutely True Lies by Rachel Stuhler

Absolutely True Lies

by Rachel Stuhler

A fledgling entertainment writer stumbles into the gig of a lifetime writing a teenage pop star's memoir and soon realizes that the young celebrity's squeaky-clean image is purely a work of fiction.

Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

When I saw Absolutely True Lies on Netgalley, I knew this was a book I was going to enjoy. I love books about celebrities – don’t we all, though? There’s something about getting a glimpse into their Hollyweird world that is just so compelling. Especially when the celebrity in question is a young starlet. They have the most interesting lives, and the most crazy, power-obsessed parents. Such is the case with Absolutely True Lies when young writer Holly Gracin ends up tasked with the job of writing Daisy Mae Dixson’s memoirs, all before her birthday.

What I love more than books about celebrities is books about books, and writers, and especially ghost writers. It’s such a taboo subject – the Internet was in uproar when it was revealed Zoella had a ghostwriter (and I was in uproar, too, because I dimly thought she wrote it herself; but I got over it). We clearly expect out celebrities to write their own bloody books!

Absolutely True Lies was a riot of a read. It was just bonkers at times, as well. Holly is very much thrown into the deep end with regards to ghostwriting a book, and just being thrown into the Hollyweird world; a world where 17-year-old’s run the world, and manager’s hang up the phone before actually telling you where the hell to go. It’s just like nothing you’d expect from “normal” people, ya know? And that’s what made it so entertaining as Holly tried to navigate this weird and new world.

It was exactly the type of read I needed. And it had the added bonus of a very nice romance, at first I was all team Vaughn but he was kind of a douche, which is always disappointing, then Ben stole my heart. And all the while Holly was still trying to write Daisy’s memoirs – falling in love, in lust; travelling to Rome, to Miami, it was a whirlwind book, and I just never knew where Holly was going to end up next. It was such a fantastic, entertaining read. I didn’t want it to end, and I quite liked that there was a hint at the end, of a sequel. Pretty please, Rachel? I have no had my fill of Holly Garcin. I loved her so much!

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  • 22 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 22 April, 2015: Reviewed