Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars


The darkness is coming.

Whenever I write a review for one of Setta Jay’s books I’m always in a quandary how to do it justice. We come back to the old Sassy story where I find it a little embarrassing admitting I like smut. Romance I’m finding is easier to admit to reading. I can justify (so not the right word) reading a romance with the understanding that I’m in it for the heartfelt storyline. What I don’t shout to the rooftops is that I get a kick out of being a peeping tom. I want to know how other people connect, see when lust turns to love, and maybe even get some pointers. ;)

What I really get a kick out of is when there is a storyline just as intense, riveting and heart pumping as the sexy times. Setta Jay has managed to get me to a stage where I’m more interested in the goings on with all of the Guardians than who is bumping uglies. There is Drake, and the tendrils of smoke escaping his mouth when he’s frustrated. We have Sirena with her sexual frustration and lack of sleep because she’s always healing someone. Then there’s Hades the God who thinks everyone should bow down to his greatness. These characters and the other Guardians and their mates are all awesome in their own special way. How they get it on with their mates has become an added bonus instead of the reason I read the Guardians of the Realms.

The Guardians have a calling to protect the innocent from the Darkness that is coming to destroy the worlds. In Storm of Ecstasy, we start off by meeting Gefn a Goddess in Thule (one of the other worlds) and her siblings Hroarr (in charge) and Dagur. They’ve just found out that their other sister Kara has gone missing and that Gefn while searching for Kara, was drawn to a powerful otherworldly male. This man kissed her and from that very first touch…everything has changed in and around her. Gefn is confused and horrified by the sexual arousal that has taken over her body. What she doesn’t realise is she’s just met her fated mate.

Pothos can’t believe it’s finally his turn. When he realises the beautiful Goddess of Thule Gefn, is his fated mate, he is excited but also a little worried. Pothos had only just recently found out from his dad, Hades, that his mum was a priestess from Thule. Mum dearest had dumped P on Hades hands and warned him to never let P know of Thule or her existence because it could mean his death. Considering what they’ve all learnt about fated mates, P knows fighting the mating frenzy is a waste of time. Better off to suck it up buttercup and let the cards play out.

One of my favourite things about the Guardians of the Realms series is that the women are equal in strength, fierceness and protectiveness as the men. Oh, the men like to stand in front of their women to protect them, but half the time the women just step around them and do what needs to be done. Gefn is definitely an example of this. She has her own strengths and powers but with the mating, they are stronger and she gains some new abilities too.

Things are heating up and the Tria (evil siblings stuck in hell) are sending out more hell beasts and other bad creatures (can't remember all the names) to cause havoc. All the guardians, gods, goddesses and wolves must stand together, work together and fight together to beat back the darkness that is coming.

Now to the sexy times…they’re there…and they’re HOT!! Enough said.

Storm of Ecstasy was another excellent instalment to the series. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know Gefn and Pothos. I really liked seeing all the old characters and love that Alyssa and Gregoire’s little one is giving them hell…from the womb. I cannot wait for Sirena’s story…ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!

To buy Storm of Ecstasy from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • Started reading
  • 30 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 30 July, 2016: Reviewed