In His Sights by Jo Davis

In His Sights (Sugarland Blue, #3)

by Jo Davis

From the author of Hot Pursuit and the Firefighters of Station Five novels...
When a dangerous criminal targets those whom Sugarland detective Chris Ford holds dear, nothing will stop him from hunting down his man.…

Chris is one the best and brightest at the Sugarland PD, but lately a mysterious illness has him struggling to get through the day. When his symptoms land him in the care of brilliant and sexy Dr. Robyn Lassiter, Chris realizes that he is the latest victim in a rash of mysterious poisonings in the area—most of them fatal. Figuring out who’s causing the fatal outbreak has become a very personal—and deadly—race against time.

Despite battling her own personal demons and painful past, Dr. Robyn Lassiter can’t fight her attraction to her new patient. But as she struggles to help Chris track down the sick mind behind the deaths, she’s not only at risk of losing her heart but of falling headlong into a lethal plot that could take her life.…

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Cocktails

Jo Davis provides a great combination of romance and suspense in her latest Sugarland Blue novel, In His Sights. The story follows the relationship of Chris Ford, one of Sugarland Blue’s finest, and Dr. Robyn Lassiter. Chris becomes one of Robyn’s patients, and just the latest victims with a mysterious illness that leaves most of its victims dead.

Jo Davis does not disappoint in this latest story, with Chris and Robyn joining forces to figure out what is causing the people to die and why someone is killing them. Ms. Davis really moved the story along effectively and quickly, with the crime and the reasoning behind it very interesting. It was great to see how Robyn and Chris complimented each other, and his budding relationship with her daughter was just one more thing to love. Added to all of this were secondary characters that enhanced the storyline and helped bolster the relationship between the two.

Reviewed by Lucy for Cocktails and Books

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  • 3 August, 2014: Reviewed