Escape to You by Jennifer Ryan

Escape to You (Montana Heat, #2)

by Jennifer Ryan

A Montana man always protects the woman he loves He discovered her during a Montana blizzard, freezing cold, impossibly vulnerable, a little boy by her side. Undercover DEA Agent Beck "Trigger" Cooke is astonished to recognize Ashley Swan-award-winning actress, famous beauty-and missing for over a year. To keep her and the child hidden from a sadistic madman, he secrets the pair away to his isolated home. No longer a prisoner, and protected at Hope Ranch, Ashley recovers and learns the tall, tempting federal agent may have a dark past, but it hasn't destroyed his sense of honor. As they shed past roles and find common ground, Ashley and Trigger can't help but fall slowly, carefully, in love. But danger still lurks outside the boundaries of Hope Ranch, for until her crazed captor is brought to justice, and Trigger's undercover past is laid to rest, none of them will ever be truly safe...

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars


Escape to You by Jennifer Ryan is a suspenseful story of kidnapping, torture, and salvation. Ashley was a famous actress who disappeared from the public (and private) eye with seemingly no trace! One evening, almost a year after her abduction, Ashley manages to escape and brings along a child who was held captive as well. Lost in the Montana wildness, she stumbles upon Beck Cooke's home. He takes her and the child in and promises to protect and help them. Ashley has been tortured and is battered and terrified.

Ashley and Andrew escape pretty early in the story so the focus isn't quite on the torture, which is good to know. Ashley is very scared by the time she reaches Beck's. Her struggle is not only what had happened to her, but how the public will perceive her. She fears they won't believe her and will vilify her and that her kidnapper (who is also famous), will spin a story that makes her look like a crazy person. I struggled with Ashley because of her over concern of people's perception. I get it-she was famous and people will talk. But, after what she went through, that should be the LAST thing on her mind.

Beck "Trigger" Cooke is still struggling with his recent injury and feeling like a failure. He feels that he needs to get Ashley and Andrew out of his life quickly before he ruins them as well. However, he has strong feelings for Ashley and struggles with the desire to keep her safe and with him.

My favorite part of the story was Andrew. Seeing his adorable interactions with Beck made me melt!


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: kidnapping

  • Triggers: Obviously Ashley is tortured and some of it is described; Ryan does a good job of not being overly descriptive

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series

  • Cliffhanger: spoiler

  • HEA: spoiler

Pretend You're Safe by Alexandra Ivy, Monster in the Closet by Karen Rose, Under Fire by Scarlett Cole...then you will probably like Escape to You!


Escape to You

See full review on The Book Disciple

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  • Started reading
  • 2 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2017: Reviewed