Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

This issue of Marvel Knights felt different from the rest. I think it’s because it’s the first perspective we’ve seen that wasn’t immediately tied back into the group we’ve already been introduced to (reintroduced?).
Considering what character we’re talking about though, it makes complete sense. He’s so independent, capable, and frankly badass that of course he can manage just fine on his own. Not to put down the other heroes of course, that wasn’t my intention. There are just certain characters that will always figure out what’s happening, no matter what the situation is. And I think he is one of them. Plus there’s the bonus bit where he actually had reason to know the cause of everything.
I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next from here. Will he move forward on his own, or will he end up with the core group like all the others? He does have some information they could use – though I’m not sure how they’d use it.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 27 December, 2018: Reviewed