Jesus by Margery Cuyler


by Margery Cuyler

Gennady Spirin created one original, spectacular oil painting to illustrate thirteen principal events in the life of Jesus: The Annunciation, The Birth, The Baptism, The Child in the Temple, The Fast and Temptation of Jesus, The Marriage at Cana, The Sermon on the Mount, The Transfiguration, The Raising of Lazurus at Bethany, The Last Supper, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection, and The Ascension into Heaven.

Each section of Spirin’s painting corresponds to the events in Jesus’ life and has been lifted and reproduced to illustrate the book’s Biblical text. A note about the painting and the book’s innovative design is included.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

How beautiful is this! When I saw the illustrated cover I was thinking that perhaps this would be an author that would remind me of other biographical picture books by [a:Demi|806365|Demi|]. While that was not what I found, exactly. I did still find a picture book to enjoy and a new author/illustrator to add to our shelves whenever possible. (As a matter of fact, we snatched up a bargain copy of [b:The Twelve Days of Christmas|6908357|The Twelve Days of Christmas|Gennady Spirin||7133279] which I am also very happy with.

[b:Jesus: His Life in Verses from the King James Holy Bible|7671143|Jesus His Life in Verses from the King James Holy Bible|Gennady Spirin||10283408] is not a fiction picture book or story. It is one painting that is then broken down in sections depicting the life of Jesus Christ from announcement of birth expectations through the miracles and onto Crucifixion and Resurrection. It is a lovely way to share the education of the life of Jesus with children of picture book ages, but beautiful enough for all ages to enjoy.

I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.

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  • 20 December, 2013: Reviewed