Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars


This book had me from the get-go, it was bloody intense way to start a book with the opening chapter. I mean it was ominous from the start, and then bam it’s go go go and it feels like you are on a rollercoaster that you don’t know if it is ever going to end.

Now I want to make one thing clear here, I do have quite a strong stomach when it comes to gore. I don’t like gore and the only thing that truly unsettles me is paranormal stuff or the scene in the Ring when she climbs out the tv and is all twitchy! So it does take a lot to unsettle me and turn my stomach. Well one particular scene in this book when the Rays are watching a video and the crazy man in the pig mask is acting out some awful violence to some pigs, truly did my stomach turn. I think it’s because I have a thing about pigs! The idea of a whole huge group of them terrifies me, a bit like In Hannibal with Mason Verger and his boar farm. Horrible!

This book has been marked as the first in the series for DCI Michael Yorke and this makes me so happy and really excited. The story itself is relentless and riveting. It’s dark and gruesome and violent and I was delighted, although do not panic I’m not about to turn into a mass murderer or anything !!! It was the type of book I needed after the boy has gone back away for another 3 months, I think if I read a light and fluffy book I would be in bits. So for the few hours, it took me to read this I was engrossed.

I had my theories to who kidnapped Paul and I can safely say I did not work it out and the what unravelled was even crazier then I could have imagined and it worked!

I love that it was set in Salisbury, having lived in Tidworth for a few years I knew some of the areas that were mentioned in the book which added a bit of a thrill for me!

I can safely say that Mr Markin has a new fan with me and I can not wait to see what happens next! Especially with an open-ended story as this one.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 19 February, 2019: Reviewed