Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I was a bit hesitant going into Rain Shadow, because motorcycle club romances have been very hit or miss for me, and amnesia isn't really my thing. But I was very pleasantly surprised! Angel stumbles upon Luke in the middle of the desert, not far from her grandfather's compound. He doesn't remember anything about what happened to him, or even his name, so she knows she can't just leave him. But her grandfather has a strict no strangers policy. Angel brings Luke back anyway, not knowing just how much trouble he'll cause.

I really enjoyed Rain Shadow. I was immediately drawn into this mystery surrounding who Luke is, why he was tortured and left for dead in the Nevada desert. I also really liked Angel. She's smart and caring, and sick of her small, violent life on the compound. Luke gives her someone to care for and a hope for more. But Angel's grandfather's suspicions aren't unfounded. I had a theory, which was wrong, so I was shocked when that truth came out! I must know how Luke is going to handle this very, very dangerous situation!

Rain Shadow is definitely an enticing start to this series. It's got mystery, danger, and plenty of sexy times! I'm eager to find out what comes next for Luke and Angel!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2016: Reviewed