Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

Before I go any further with this.... if you haven't read the short story Forget Me. STOP READING THIS NOW, AND GO READ IT. It's very imparitive that you read it before moving on with the series.

Ok now that, that's done let's move on....

Ok in a previous review I had mentioned that Val has gotten very whiny and annoying over Shade. Well in this book it really takes it toll. There was even one point in the book, actually the few that I wish I could've reached into the book and smacked her upside the head a few times, seriously.

But there is still hope for Val yet. Austin the charming arrogant vampire, had basically made his intentions known to Val, though she kept refusing and denying him throughout the book. But there is hope for the next book for Val and her love life, because her and Shade, though I love Shade that's a mad house right there.

As usual though the book, sucked me right in, and OH MY GOODNESS! I'm dying for the next book already.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 25 December, 2014: Reviewed