Broken Beautiful Hearts by Kami Garcia

Broken Beautiful Hearts

by Kami Garcia

When star soccer player Peyton Rios receives an offer from her first-choice college, senior year starts off exactly as planned. But when Peyton uncovers her boyfriend s dark secret, she confronts him and finds herself falling down a flight of stairs. Peyton s knee and maybe her dream of going pro is shattered. Everyone is talking: Was she pushed, or did she fall?

Reviewed by pjw on

4 of 5 stars

This is such an amazing book! It gave me all the feels. Heartbreak, adrenaline, hilarity, and down right Southern Charm. It also addresses the topic of domestic abuse. This book is so important because it helps to highlight the warning signs but also shows that you can still get your happily even after.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 3 March, 2018: Reviewed