Homeward Bound by Emily Matchar

Homeward Bound (Night Glow Board Books)

by Emily Matchar

Emily Matchar offers a smart, measured investigation into the cultural, social, and economic implications of a return to domesticity in this fascinating book "chock-full of historical context, strong research and compelling personal stories" (Christian Science Montor).

Amid today's rising anxieties-the economy, the scary state of the environment, the growing sense that the American Dream hasn't turned out to be so dreamy after all-a groundswell of women (and more than a few men) are choosing to embrace an unusual rebellion: domesticity. A generation of smart, highly educated young people are spending their time knitting, canning jam, baking cupcakes, gardening,...Read more

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

was affraid it was going to annoy me but no, great exploration of what it means to be female and why some people are embracing domesticity, and the class difficulties associated with it.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2015: Reviewed