For the Record by K A Linde

For the Record (The Record, #3)

by K.A. Linde

With Congressman Brady Maxwell up for reelection and journalist Liz Dougherty about to graduate into a promising career, the ambitious couple’s future is brighter than ever. They share a passion for their work…and for each other. But when Brady holds a press conference to officially introduce Liz as his girlfriend, reporters hungry for a scandal bombard her. Now, her every move is under a vicious magnifying glass, and her life feels like it’s falling apart.

On the road to reelection, the passionate bond between the congressman and the journalist gets tested at every stop. Threatened by shameless media...Read more

Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

Reading For The Record should come with a health warning because my blood pressure spiked on more than one occasion whilst reading this phenomenally wonderful conclusion to this trilogy. I can't remember a time when I felt so happy after reading the final words in a series. It finished on the highest of highs – blew me away!

Brady, Brady, Brady! He was off the scale awesome and at times he did seem a bit too good to be true. (not that I'm complaining) Then he says things like this, to remind me he is honest, humble and human:
“It doesn't happen often, but I do make mistakes.”
“They say the measure of a man is what he does with his power. I've come to find that I have no power without you...”
I love a man with character flaws, but lets not forget Brady is charismatic, smooth and sexy too! I love how he and Liz compliment each other, like pieces of jigsaw fitting together, like they were made for one another. Their chemistry if off the chart and “any time, any place” including “not always an appropriate time” keeps their relationship exciting ;-)

Before this final book, I wasn't too sure how I felt about Liz because she has made some very questionable decisions along the way. I love that Liz's character shows more maturity and becomes stronger because at times,she has to deal with a considerable amount of stressful changes in her ever changing life. Whilst others would cave in under pressure, Liz showed conviction as she turned negatives into positives. And when positives turned in on themselves, found courage to reinvent herself. I love that neither herself or Brady pictured her as purely a politicians arm candy. Liz is driven to achieve career independence without nepotism, even if the path she expected to take has changed.

The series ties up all the loose ends convincingly, and I'll miss some of the supporting cast as much as I'll miss Brady and Liz. My favourite was Clay, because I love characters that are misunderstood.- I can't resist cheering for an underdog. My suspicions about Clay are confirmed in this book and I hope that we may find out more from him in the future, as I bet he has a story and a half to tell.

I recommend this series to anyone that loves angst by the bucket full, with characters that are multi-faceted with a generous dose of sexiness.

**Arc received courtesy of Montlake via NetGalley**

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  • Started reading
  • 18 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2014: Reviewed