Ethan by Rae Rivers

Ethan (The Keepers, #4)

by Rae Rivers

‘Vampires and werewolves are so 2000. As in: over. Thanks to …Rae Rivers, we’re now totally hooked on witches.’ – No. 5 on Grazia SA’s ‘Ten Hot Things to Do List’

"Going to Ameera to find Hazel. Stealing the spell … You think you can pull it off?" he asked.
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
Just as she thought he'd kiss her, he reached for her jacket and said, "Then let's go."

A portal to another world has opened, unleashing dangerous creatures on earth. A dark witch is out for revenge. The stakes are high, a war inevitable.

One person can stop the madness. Jenna. She’s a Keeper to a powerful hybrid witch but she harbours a secret and if Jenna steps through the portal – seduced by the whispers of her hidden past – she may never return.

Fortunately, she has company… infamous Bennett brother and fiercely protective Keeper, Ethan. Their whip-cracking banter makes them perfect sparring partners in training, but how will they manage when their lives and everything they were born to defend are on the line?

When the battle lines are drawn, will Jenna and Ethan stand side by side – as friends, protectors, lovers … or as traitors?

Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Harper Impulse for a copy of this book via Netgalley.

After reading the rest of this series I was so excited to start this book. I love that Rae chose to focus more on one character for each book. It gave me a sense of really knowing the character.

This book focus' on Ethan and quite a bit on Jenna.

Ethan is sick of waiting for something to happen so he decides to try to find Hazel. He's been sneaking off on trips and not telling his brothers because he knows they won't approve. Ethan is usually the pacifier of the three brothers but he's sick of always being attacked and on the back foot.

Jenna is Kate's keeper and has been living with the brothers, Kate and Sienna for a little while. She knows she shouldn't fall for a fellow keeper, even more so because of her secret. It could rip them all apart.

Ethan and Jenna follow Hazel in to Ameera, another world where all sorts of monsters live.

I don't want to ruin the story so I won't say anymore but I have to say I thought I had this book all figured out and then Rae dropped a bombshell on me that I didn't see coming. Rae is very good at flipping the story and surprising the hell out of you.

I think this is the end of this series but I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

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  • 2 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 May, 2016: Reviewed