Stage Fright by Meg Cabot

Stage Fright (Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls, #4)

by Meg Cabot

Stage Fright is the fourth book in Meg Cabot's hilarious series for younger readers, Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls.

When Allie's class puts on a play, every girl in Room 209 wants to try out for the part of the princess - including Allie, Sophie and (ew!) Cheyenne. Not everyone can be the leading lady - but who will try to steal the show, who will get scared, and who will get a tiny bit jealous? Some not-so-friendly competition puts some of Allie Finkle's rules to the test . . . There are no small parts. Only small actors. May the best man - or woman - win. If you want to get anywhere, you can't play by the rules.

Reviewed by ammaarah on

3 of 5 stars

"Making people laugh - especially when they don't want to - is a really nice feeling, it turns out." (Allie Finkle)

Once again, Meg Cabot has effortlessly written a fun book about a strong-willed and likable 9 year old.

In Stage Fright, Allie's class is putting on a play called Princess Penelope in the Realm of Recycling and most of the girls in Mrs Hunter's class, including Allie, want the role of Princess Penelope. There's excitement, disappointment and friendship issues as Allie, Sophie and Cheyenne are vying for the same role.

The plot surrounding the play is light-hearted and fun to read about, but it didn't have much substance. I enjoyed reading about Allie's feelings towards the role that she's given in the play, seeing how her ideas and views change and witnessing how she makes the role her own. I also liked Uncle Jay's input when it came to helping Allie with the play. The whole conversation about villains and how getting the role of the evil queen means that Allie's really good at acting is awesome! He always knows what's the right thing to say. Wish I had that super power...
"Sometimes we don't get the things we want. That's just the way things work out. So we have to try to find the good in the things we do have." (Elizabeth Finkle)

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Reading updates

  • 13 August, 2018: Started reading
  • 13 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2018: Reviewed
  • Started reading
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  • 13 August, 2018: Reviewed