Reviewed by Eve1972 on

3 of 5 stars


Someone is after event planner Joanna McNamee and Deputy Ryker Kane will make it his mission to keep her safe. Back in college, they shared one special night and then Joanna ran without any explanation. Now fate has given Ryker another chance to convince Joanna they were meant to be.

So this book started out entertaining, but halfway through I started to get really bored with it all. One, this is a romantic suspense, heavy on the SUSPENSE and VERY light on the romance. In fact, we don't get any sexytimes until 95% into the book. Even then it feels really forced since I never felt a romantic connection between these two characters AT ALL.

On top of that, the suspense story was just really silly and ridiculous. I'm talking the characters getting shot multiple times. Buildings blowing up. Crazy baddies that survive situations like the aforementioned building blowing up. Just way OTT. Not to mention I had the baddies figured out from 5% into the book. It is really incredibly obvious.

I also didn't like Joanna. She came across as a bitch, and really a bit too stupid to live. 95% into the book she is still hemming and hawing about whether she wants to get involved with Ryker. Why I have NO clue. The guy never did anything to her. The one misunderstanding is cleared up fairly early in the book. She was just one of those characters you that makes you want to throat punch them.

Overall a pretty middle of the road read.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2016: Reviewed