The Armored Saint by Myke Cole

The Armored Saint (Sacred Throne, #1)

by Myke Cole

Myke Cole, star of CBS's Hunted and author of the Shadow Ops series, debuts the Sacred Throne epic fantasy trilogy with The Armored Saint, a story of religious tyrants, arcane war-machines, and underground resistance that will enthrall epic fantasy readers of all ages.

In a world where any act of magic could open a portal to hell, the Order insures that no wizard will live to summon devils, and will kill as many innocent people as they must to prevent that greater horror. After witnessing a horrendous slaughter, the village girl Heloise opposes the Order, and risks bringing their wrath down on herself, her family, and her village. She must confront the true risk that wizards pose to the world, and weigh the safety of her people against justice.

Reviewed by Beth C. on

4 of 5 stars

A young girl, living in a time where religion reigns supreme, women are to be subservient to their husbands, and magicians are (literal) devils. In this, we meet Heloise, a product of her upbringing...and yet so much more. When a chance encounter on the road with the King's troops gets Heloise in trouble, it is just the beginning of the trouble yet to come.

As I was reading, it felt like a combination between the potential future of the U.S. and Joan of Arc. And yet something totally different. The characters are well done, and the Cole evokes the fear, uncertainty, and danger that is ever-present in a society where a few cruel people rule the rest with the power of religion.

The book is short - not quite a novella, but not quite what one would expect from a full novel. Having said that, Cole manages to pack quite a bit into the story. The second one is coming soon, and it will certainly be going on my list of books to read when it arrives.

#ArmoredSaint #SacredThrone #MykeCole #Tor

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  • 1 March, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 1 March, 2018: Reviewed